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Chapter Meetings
  • Don't miss the fascinating monthly programs about birds, wildlife habitat, environmental conservation, community science birding projects, and birding field trip reviews.

  • Chapter meetings are typically on the fourth Tuesday from Sept - May, excluding December. Meetings are held in person at First Lutheran Church, 418 N. Yelm, Kennewick, WA.

​Recordings available:​

February 2, 2023 Bird Window Strikes

Watch the Recording  Passcode: +rNY5.F5

November 29, 2022 Dragonflies  

Watch the Recording  Passcode: nNc$Y*1h​

Audubon Washington
Sageland Strategy

with Seth Hulett

Join us for a presentation with Seth Hulett, Senior Program Manager for the Columbia Plateau at Audubon Washington, as he shares the organization’s priorities for bird conservation in Eastern Washington.

Seth will introduce Audubon Washington’s updated Sageland Strategy and discuss the vital role private lands play in sustaining bird populations.


He will highlight innovative conservation initiatives, including the Audubon Conservation Ranching Program and the Conserving Greater Sage-Grouse in South-Central Washington project, both of which are bringing new opportunities for habitat restoration and sustainable land management to the region.


February 25, 2025  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

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Photos by Heidi Newsome

With a B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife from Oregon State University and over a decade of experience working with private landowners in the Columbia Plateau, Seth specializes in habitat restoration and sustainable land stewardship. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how Audubon Washington is working to protect the birds and landscapes of Eastern Washington!

Embark on a 
Kalahari Journey

with Scott Woodward

January 28, 2025  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

Ready to explore the untamed beauty of the Kalahari Desert and beyond?

Join us for an exciting presentation that takes you through the heart of Africa’s unique landscapes and rich cultural heritage.

The Kalahari Desert: Discover the vast expanse and hidden wonders of this massive geologic feature.

  •    Okavango Delta: Experience the serene beauty of this inland delta by Mokoro canoe.

  •    Etosha National Park: Witness one of Africa’s largest national parks.

  •    Skeleton Coast: Explore the eerie, hauntingly beautiful coastline of Namibia.

  •    Namib Desert: Be mesmerized by the Martian-like landscape of the world’s oldest desert. 

  •    Cultural Encounters: Meet the world-renowned Bushmen of the Kalahari and experience their unique way of life.

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Photo by Scott Woodward

Over 2,500 miles of 4-wheel drive adventure

through the Kalahari


  •    Unique geography and unforgettable African wildlife. 

  •    Heartwarming interactions with the special smiles of African natives.

  •    Special Segment: A closer look at the legendary Bushmen of the Kalahari and their fascinating culture.

Scott has spent 75 years as a resident of the Tri-Cities. A former scholar-athlete at Washington State University (WSU), Scott has dedicated his career to education and coaching. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Scott has played significant roles in community conservation, serving as past president of Tapteal Greenway and Ridges to Rivers Open Space Network. His passion for the environment continues through his active participation as a citizen activist for conservation.


Scott volunteers at WSU, contributing to the WSU Heritage Society, WSU Champions, and WSU President’s Legacy group, and serving as vice president of the WSU Mid-Columbia Alumni Association. Additionally, Scott coordinates the WSU Baseball Alumni group.


Beyond his community involvement, Scott and his wife Pamela are avid adventure travelers, exploring the world together.

A Brief Glance at Marvelous
Midway Atoll

with Lindsey Hayes, USFW biologist, ret.

Midway Atoll is the second to the last island in the Hawaiian Archipelago. It has never been part of the state of Hawaii. For a long time controlled by the US Navy, the atoll is currently managed by USFWS. At various times over many years and for various reasons, Lindsey was lucky enough to spend some time on Midway Atoll.

In his presentation you will get a look at the interesting history and wildlife of the atoll, both pre- and post-war. You will also learn about the various ventures and projects on the island since it became part of the National Wildlife Refuge System. There are volunteer opportunities on Midway Atoll NWR but they are very limited and have various time and financial commitments.

Lindsey Hayes worked for the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for 21 years. He started out in Alaska as a seabird biologist spending four years there; his first field season was in the remote Semidi Islands south of the Alaska Peninsula and the next three were in Prince William Sound (1993 - 1996).

November 19, 2024  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

Midway aerial Jon Brack 2023 for Nov 2024.jpeg

Photo by John Brack

Next he transferred to Johnston Atoll National Wildlife Refuge serving as wildlife biologist and then refuge manager (1997- 2003). Any of you who may have met Lindsey have no doubt heard him enthusiastically (and often) proclaim “Best job I ever had!” when referring to his time on Johnston Atoll. He finished the remainder of his career with USFWS at the Mid-Columbia River National Wildlife Refuge Complex (2004 - 2014).

The Mystery of Owls

with Izzy Edwards, nature photographer

May 28, 2024  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

Have you ever been curious about owls? If you would like to learn more about these mysterious, often nocturnal or crepuscular birds, join us for a deep dive into owl life history with Izzy Edwards. Izzy will talk about the eight expected owl species commonly found in the Lower Columbia Basin. She will also cover more elusive species found in the Blue Mountains.

Northern Pygmy Owl

Izzy Edwards and Barn Owl.jpg

Izzy Edwards with Barn Owl

Isabelle (Izzy) Edwards is a 21-yearold nature photographer. Izzy has been passionate about wildlife her whole life and is especially drawn to owls. She has devoted the past six years to locating, observing, and photo-documenting owls. She has participated in various field conservation opportunities including the Global Owl Project on Burrowing Owls in northern Oregon. She teaches about the life history of owls at schools and organizations throughout the country.

Hanford Site:
Ecological Jewel of Southeast WA


with Hanford Mission Integration Solutions

Department of Energy

April 23, 2024  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

The 586-square mile Hanford Site holds some of the last remaining intact shrub-steppe in the State of Washington. The site has been in an active state of cleanup since plutonium production ended some decades ago. Only about 5% of the site is a built environment from production days, and much of the built environment is shrinking as site cleanup progresses. The remaining 95% of the site is an ecological treasure supporting an abundance of native plants and animals.

In 2001 the Hanford Reach National Monument was designated, preserving much of the site because of its unique ecology and geology while protecting the last major free flowing section of the Columbia River in the lower 48 states. Legislation establishing the Monument also recognized that the US Fish and Wildlife Service would manage much of the area under permits and agreements with the Department of Energy.

Columbia River from White Bluffs.jpg

Columbia River from White Bluffs, Franklin Co

by Lisa Hill

Some of the shrub-steppe habitat has burned in recent years, reducing the amount of old sagebrush that had once covered much of the site. Sagebrush restoration projects have taken place in central Hanford as well as the area known as the Arid Lands Ecology Reserve and the area identified as the Saddle Mountain Unit of the Hanford Reach National Monument. Both of these areas are buffer zones around the central core lands.

The Hanford Site is home to a large herd of elk, a good number of mule deer and predators such as coyotes and bobcats. It has a wealth of birds, including Sagebrush Sparrows and Long-billed Curlews. Native plants thrive on site as well, with an abundance of rabbitbrush and sagebrush.

Appreciating Backyard Flora & Fauna Through Photography

with Dale Halgren and Alan Olander

Photography Hobbyists

Even though the Tri-Cities has grown tremendously in the 35 years that Dale and Alan have known each other, there are still opportunities to enjoy interesting flora and fauna in your own backyard, or the greater backyard of the Tri-Cities. Photography is a great way to heighten your awareness of the things around you and a good excuse to sit quietly looking out your window or on a river bank. This presentation is geared to give you an idea of what you can see in the area, and help you appreciate the beauty and interest that come from glimpses of nature and good light. Local birds, animals, and scenery are the focus of this presentation but you may see something in a new light and enjoy discussing your favorite backyard locations and subjects.

March 26, 2024  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

River Otter March 26 2024 meeting.jpg

River Otter

In 1989 Alan and Dale were assigned to share an office, and discovered they shared many similar interests, including sports and outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, biking, and particularly backpacking. They have been on over 30 backpacking trips together since an initial 1992 adventure. Alan had been interested in photog raphy early on, and after years encouraging Dale to take up the hobby, he finally caught the bug. While the initial focus was more on backpacking landscape photography, they work on astro photography, and wildlife photography when at home.

Lemurs & Vangas!
Wildlife & Ecology of Madagascar

with Jason Fidorra, WDFW Wildlife Biologist and LCBAS Birding Events

February 27, 2024  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

Helmut Vanga Feb 2024 meeting.jpg

Madagascar is a fascinating destination for the naturalist, and a must for world birders and mammal watchers. The “8th Continent” hosts many endemic families of plants and animals, including five endemic bird families, and is famous for its lemurs, chameleons, and baobabs.

Jason will present on the biogeography of this island nation, with stories and photos from his month traveling from the lush coastal rainforest to the desert spiny forests of the island.

Red-ruffed Lemur Feb 2024 meeting.jpg

Red-ruffed Lemur by Jason Fidorra, Madagascar

Helmut Vanga by Jason Fidorra, Madagascar

Jason Fidorra is a Wildlife Biologist for the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife in the Tri-Cities. Jason is working on the front lines of shrub-steppe conservation, which is critical habitat for many of Washington’s species of greatest concern. He conducts surveys for a variety of wildlife from elk to monarchs, and has contributed to research on Burrowing Owls, raptors, and game birds over the past eight years.

The Golden Eagles
of Mongolia

with Scott and Pamela Woodward, adventure travelers

Mongolia Scott Woodward 20221003_151652.jpg
January 23, 2024  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

Mongolia is defined by endless steppe, oceans of dunes, and desert framed by rugged mountains occasionally housing thinly veiled forests. A once proud culture composed of 9 tribes brought together by Genghis Khan who built the greatest empire the world has ever known is now struggling to maintain its identity. Stripped of its soul by the Soviets in the 20th century, the 21st century now challenges Mongolia with climate change and a nosey neighbor, China. 


One bird does indeed fly across the great chasm of all the centuries from the great Khans to the present. The Golden Eagle is the ultimate Mongol symbol of a once-great empire. That symbol is on full display at the annual Super Bowl of eagle hunting in the NW region near the borders of Siberia and Kazakhstan. The costumes, the horsemanship, and the traditional games all remain in a vacuum, apart from the 21st century. We want to show you a lot of something about Mongolia and finish with the amazing Golden Eagles and their human families.

photo by Scott Woodward, Mongolia

Scott and Pamela Woodward consider themselves adventure travelers pursuing their childhood View-Master fantasies from continent to continent. Scott is the former President of the Tapteal Greenway and the Ridges to Rivers Open Space Network. Pamela and Scott are local products, long-time educators, and lifetime conservationists. They enjoy sharing their stories and hope there is something that will interest you.

Burrowing Owls in 
Eastern Washi

with Jason Fidorra, Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife

WDFW and partners including LCBAS have worked around the Tri-cities to install and maintain artificial nesting burrows for Burrowing Owls. This species has declined from conversion of nesting habitat and persecution of burrowing mammals. The project includes nest monitoring, banding, and tracking owls over their migration with GPS backpacks. Jason will share some of the results, stories, and photos from working with this species in our area.

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Jason Fidorra is a Wildlife Biologist for the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife in Tri-Cities. Jason is working on the front lines of shrub-steppe conservation which is critical habitat for many of Washington’s species of greatest concern. He conducts surveys for a variety of wildlife from elk to monarchs, and contributes to research on burrowing owls, raptors, and game birds in his position over the past 8 years.

November 28, 2023  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

Burrowing Owl LUmthun.jpg

photo by Larry Umthun

Sharing Our Space: 
Learning to Love Creepy Crawlies


with Dale Jansons, Science Educator and Bug Guru

October 24, 2023  7pm

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

We are surrounded by fascinating animals that are overlooked. They go about their complex lives, often under our very noses, perhaps a few feet from where you are reading this. Sadly, some of these creatures are wrongfully hated and are actively removed from their spaces without thought. While some deserve to be removed or even destroyed, most are beneficial to our homes, gardens, and environment.


We will observe, talk about, and interact with several arthropods to better understand them and their place in the world. Some will be animals from far away while others you can find in your own backyard or on a short walk.

My name is Dale Jansons. I have a Master's Degree in Biology where I worked with mosquitoes and their diseases. My interest in insects and other creepy crawlies goes all the way back to elementary school when I got the Ants book by EO Wilson and Burt Holldobler. While in college, I learned I like to share my knowledge of critters with others. After working in several science fields, I decided to make my own space in science education by becoming the Bug Guru. As the Bug Guru, I bring interesting arthropods and reptiles to schools and other venues to grow the love of these fantastic animals.

Mystery Meeting!

September 26, 2023  7pm

with Mike Denny

Please join the Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society for a mystery program by Mike Denny. Mike, born in Klamath Falls, Oregon, took up birding at age eight while living in southeastern Africa, where he was in awe of all things living.

Back in the US, he studied Biology, met his wife MerryLynn, and now lives, works, and birds in Walla Walla, Washington. He is the author of Birds of the Inland Northwest and the Northern Rockies and one of the creators of the film series which includes the Secret Life of the Forest, the Northern Blue Mountains and the Secret Life of the Desert, produced by Blue Mountain TV.

Join us for an in person meeting, with local birders, cookies, and comradery. We don't know what he will talk about but we know it will be entertaining, fascinating, and fun.

First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

Mike Denny for 09-26-2023.jpg

Flight Paths:
How a Passionate and Quirky Group of Pioneering Scientists Solved the Mystery of Bird Migration

May 23, 2023  7pm  via Zoom

Zoom meeting link

Meeting ID: 821 9024 0748
Passcode: 719840

with author Rebecca Heisman

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We've all heard amazing facts about bird migration - birds cover incredible distances, navigating using the stars and Earth's magnetic field and pushing their physiology and metabolism to the max. But how did scientists figure all of this out?

In her talk, Rebecca Heisman will share just a few of her favorite stories from her recent book Flight Paths, relating how the ornithologists of the past hundred years have borrowed from nearly every field of science and technology to come up with creative ways to unravel birds' secrets.

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Rebecca Heisman is a freelance science writer who lives in Walla Walla, Washington, and has contributed to publications including Audubon, Living Bird (the magazine of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology), and Bird Conservation (the magazine of the American Bird Conservancy). 

Her first book, Flight Paths: How a Passionate and Quirky Group of Pioneering Scientists Solved the Mystery of Bird Migration, was published in March 2023. Find her online at

Bountiful Pollinators in Your Yard
Plants and Practical Tips to Lure Them In

with Lisa Hill


The plight of native pollinators including bees, wasps, flies, butterflies and beetles, is a serious issue affecting entire ecosystems. On a global scale, the loss of habitat for nesting and food, and the use of agricultural and landscape chemicals, particularly neonicotinoids, have had a devastating impact on pollinator populations.

Why are pollinators so important? Fully one third of all food crops rely on insect pollination to produce fruit or seeds. In addition to this immediate concern, about half of the world’s oils, fibers and raw materials come directly from plants. The very existence and reproduction of these plants is heavily dependent upon pollinators.

Even a small postage-stamp sized flower garden can help  sustain the life cycle of a wide array of insects. Learn to recognize some common pollinators and the best plants to lure them into your yard.


PDF Bountiful Pollinators in Your Yard basic information

April 25, 2023  7pm

In-Person Meeting!


First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

Megachile  Leafcutter Bee

Lordotus  Bee Fly

Texas Striped Sweat Bee

Lisa Hill is a Richland resident who loves birds, gardening, and more recently, pollinators! She has a degree in horticulture and was a Master Gardener for many years. Over time, Lisa has added many native and nectar-producing plants in her own landscape. She recently became interested in photographing insects. While scouting for insects with her camera, Lisa realized that an astounding variety of bugs are busy gathering pollen and feeding on the nectar of hundreds of flowering plants, even in her own yard!

One segment in a series from
"Secret Life of the Desert:
Deserts of the Pacific Northwest"


with Daniel Biggs and Mike Denny


"When most people think of the Pacific Northwest, they think of green trees, rivers, lakes, and mountains, but in fact, two-thirds are overlooked and unappreciated deserts. These stunning landscapes have incredible plant, insect, and animal species that few have seen or know about. The "Secret Life of the Desert: Deserts of the Pacific Northwest" is a series dedicated to the discovery and education of the vast and complicated desert regions of Oregon and Washington.

Rich with diversity and detail, narrator Mike Denny covers over 400 fascinating desert species that are beautifully filmed by Daniel Biggs. All these living organisms survive because of relationships, dependencies and arrangements while living in the most arid places here in the spectacular Pacific Northwest. This educational series helps people better understand the value of these unique places and the life that depends upon them. Discover how and why these desert areas are outstanding treasures and deserve your care and attention."

March 28, 2023  7pm

In-Person Meeting!


First Lutheran Church

418 N. Yelm

Kennewick, WA

Becker's White

Long-nosed Leopard Lizard

Bird Window Strikes 
WSU Tri-Cities campus

with Lori Nelson

LCBAS member and

Assistant Professor of Biology at WSU Tri-Cities

When birds look at a window, they don’t see glass - they see trees or sky. Birds are fooled by this “solid air,” fly into windows, and often die of their injuries. Bird mortality from window collisions could be as high as 988 million birds/year in the US alone.


In this talk, I’ll share the results of my three-year study of bird-window collisions on the WSU Tri-Cities campus and how I hope this work will help make campus a friendlier place for the birds we love and enjoy. 

February 28, 2023  7pm

Join Zoom Meeting



Additional sign-in information

for the February 28,  2023  LCBAS Membership Meeting:

Meeting ID: 865 3871 8274     Passcode: 666986


February 28, 2023 Bird Window Strikes

Watch the Recording  Passcode: +rNY5.F5

Black-headed Grosbeak window strike

WSU Tri-Cities campus - window reflection

Heritage Gardens 
Creating Sustainable and Wildlife Friendly Landscapes

with Heather Wendt

Benton Conservation District in partnership with the Columbia Basin Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society has developed a program designed to honor the cultural and natural heritage of the Columbia River Basin while utilizing sustainable gardening practices. Heritage Gardens promote low-water-use landscaping with native plants to create beautiful wildlife friendly landscapes.  Join us to learn how this program was developed, how it has grown and to take a virtual tour of established gardens. 

January 24, 2023  7pm

Join Zoom Meeting


Join Zoom Meeting


Additional sign-in information

for the January 24,  2023  LCBAS Membership Meeting:

Meeting ID: 821 8208 5993      Passcode: 665056

Agapostemon Striped Sweat Bee

Agapostemon - Striped Sweat Bee by Lisa Hill

Heritage Garden at Hansen Park, Kennewick, WA

Heritage Garden Plant Selection Guide

Heather Wendt is a conservationist and the co-creator of the Heritage Garden (HG) Program. She is also the co-author of the

Plant Selection Guide, Heritage Gardens of the Columbia River Basin. Heather has worked for conservation districts since 1997. She currently serves as the Assistant Manager for both the Benton and Franklin Conservation Districts, and she is responsible for coordinating the HG Program in Benton, Franklin, Kittitas, and Yakima Counties. 

Dragonflies - Rainbows on the Wing

with Dennis Paulson

Dragonflies and damselflies are often called birdwatchers’ insects. Active and brilliantly colored, these four-winged predators fly everywhere over unspoiled wetlands. Their very different-looking larvae are dominant predators in the water below. They have the best vision and the most versatile flight of any insects, and their sex life is similarly superlative. In a profusely illustrated lecture, Dennis Paulson will tell us all about the lives of these interesting creatures and how they fit into their environment.

November 29, 2022

Join Zoom Meeting


Join Zoom Meeting


November 29, 2022  Dragonflies

Watch the Recording

Passcode: nNc$Y*1h

Columbia Clubtail - Larry Umthun

White-belted Ringtail - Lisa Hill

Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West cover.jpg

Dennis Paulson recently retired from his position as the Director of the Slater Museum of Natural History at the University of Puget Sound. After receiving his Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Miami, he has taught college and adult-education courses about natural history for over 40 years. One of his primary goals as a biologist has been to blend the science of biology with the study and appreciation of nature. His special research subjects have long been dragonflies, and he has studied them all over the world. He has written over 50 scientific papers on the Odonata order of insects, as well as several books, including Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West and Dragonflies & Damselflies: A Natural History.

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October 25, 2022
September 27, 2022
Sept 2022 Chapter meeting
Sept 2022 Chapter meeting
Sept 2022 Chapter meeting
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