Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society
LCBAS of south central Washington
Join - Renew - Donate

Education at Amon Creek
Natural Area
Memberships and donations fund many local activities
Education - presentations and materials in local classrooms
Taxidermy collection of more than 100 specimens displayed at McNary National Wildlife Refuge Education Center, Burbank, WA
First Saturday Bird Walk on Bateman Island (September-June)
The Curlew – LCBAS digital newsletter sent to members Sept-June
Monthly chapter meetings with presentations on a variety of topics
Maintaining records on the status and distribution of local avian populations (Our species checklists, for example)
Public awareness of conservation issues

Bird banding station
Two ways to join or donate to LCBAS
Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society
PO Box 1900, Richland, WA 99352
Membership and donations via mail
Print and fill out the membership form. OR send your
Name, Address, City, State, Zip and Email address to
The Curlew digital newsletter is included in your membership (via email). If you do not have an email address, you may indicate that you want to receive a printed newsletter in the mail.
Indicate if you want too opt out of receiving e-alerts. LCBAS maintains an e-alert email list for last minute activity changes, important issues, and volunteer opportunities.
If you opt out, you will not receive e-alert emails but will receive the digital newsletter. Your e-mail address will not be shared.
Membership and donations via PayPal or credit card
Join LCBAS or renew your membership.
Choose a membership level and click Buy Now.
Your email and mailing address are made available to LCBAS by PayPal, but will not be shared.
You will receive The Curlew digital newsletter via email.
Make a donation to LCBAS by clicking Donate.
Individual membership

Student membership

Donate to LCBAS

NOTE: LCBAS chapter membership is separate from membership in the National Audubon Society. To join the National Audubon Society, click NAS.