Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society
LCBAS of south central Washington
Meet the Board
The Board of Directors for LCBAS is responsible for determining the policies and goals for the chapter. They meet on the first Tuesday of the month between September - June. They also hold a planning meeting in August, the date of which is not fixed.
Members of the board include four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), the immediate Past President, and eight standing committee chairs (see list below). We also have several special committees; the chairs of these committees can choose to be voting board members. We can also elect Directors at Large, who are not officers nor head a committee.
If you are interested in helping with LCBAS activities, please contact the Chair of the appropriate committee. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, contact the President.
2024 - 2025 Board Members
President: Dana Ward
Vice President: Chuck Hedel
Treasurer: Dan Hansen
Secretary: Debbie Berkowitz
Other Board Members
Director at Large: Robin Priddy
Standing Committee Chairs
Conservation: Dana Ward & Rick Leaumont
Birding Events: Jason Fidorra
Communications: Charlene Burge
Education: OPEN
Membership: OPEN
Finance: Dan Hansen
Program: Lori Nelson
Fundraising: Marcie Daines
Other Contacts
Membership database: Rich Barchet
Website: Lisa Hill & Lori Nelson